miercuri, 31 august 2011

30 Days of Tennis Challenge

You have probably read some of these on blogs already. I have and I found the idea really interesting, so here I am. I read this for the first time at Let, Second Serve. It's a great blog, so go read it as well!

30 Days of Tennis Challenge
  1. Favourite men’s player
  2. Favourite women’s player
  3. Favourite doubles team
  4. Least favourite men’s player
  5. Least favourite women’s player
  6. Your most memorable match
  7. First player you became a fan of
  8. Earliest tennis memory
  9. Favourite retired men’s player
  10. Favourite retired women’s player
  11. A player that no one would expect you to love
  12. A player that you aren’t a fan of but you respect
  13. Favourite Grand Slam tournament
  14. Favourite Non Grand Slam tournament
  15. Most attractive women’s player
  16. Most attractive men’s player
  17. Favourite women’s tennis outfit
  18. Favourite men’s tennis outfit
  19. Which men’s and women’s player was world no. 1 on the day you were born
  20. Favourite men’s slam champion
  21. Favourite women’s slam champion
  22. Favourite umpire
  23. Favourite mixed doubles team
  24. Favourite tennis couple
  25. Favourite tennis wag
  26. A match that makes you happy
  27. A match that makes you sad
  28. The Grand Slam you would most like to go to
  29. What’s your favourite tennis surface
  30. Post your fave tennis related gif or picture

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