vineri, 15 iulie 2011

Alisa, nu uita, ne-ai promis victoria!...

...Which means 'Alisa, don't forget, you promised us the victory!'. Alisa Kleybanova, the young Russian player who amazed tennis fans, tennis journalists and tennis players is fighting right now the biggest and the most important battle of her life: she has cancer. She was diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma.
As we have seen during her matches, she is strong, she is powerful and determined to win. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,' they say. She became stronger with every match. And after this battle, a battle I know she will win, she will become even stronger, more powerful and more determined.

Today is her birthday. She turns 22. She is young and she has a bright future ahead her. Happy birthday, Alisa, and good luck! Good luck in everything!

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